The only way to get smarter about how to invest your marketing dollars is to document and measure what’s happening now in your business. What you’ve measured, you can then improve. Marketing Spend The first step to measuring what you spend on marketing is to aggregate all of the costs. They may be in one […]
How Liquid Is Your Business?
Liquidity in business has nothing to do with water, milk, or juice! It describes how quickly you can sell an asset and convert it into cash. Cash is the most liquid asset of all. Real estate, in contrast, is not quite as liquid because it could take months to sell it to a new owner. […]
18 Small Business Opportunities in 2020
Deciding on the kind of business you want to start is a very big decision. Some require specialized skills that either the owner or employees will need. Others require a substantial initial capital outlay. In any case, it’s always a good idea to consider the health of the industry you’ll be entering in. While we […]
Cool Tech Tools: Apps that Get You Places
If you’re unlucky enough to have a car without GPS navigation maps, the next best thing to use is your smartphone. This article will take a look at apps that help to get you from point A to point B. Google Maps Google Maps is the all-around favorite, whether you own an iPhone or an […]
5 Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Accounting System
To maximize profits in your business, all of your business functions need to run smoothly, including your accounting department. Your accounting system is at the core of your accounting function. If it is old or lacks the features you need, your business may suffer. Here are five warning signs you can look for to determine […]